Neighbors for
Nemasket Week: "Middleboro sues state over MBTA Communities Act"
Milton Times: "SJC upholds MBTA Communities Act but says guidelines must be redrawn"
Commonwealth Beacon: "Winthrop rejects MBTA Communities zoning plan" "Weston votes down MBTA Communities Act zoning proposal"
The Patriot Ledger: "MBTA zoning law has drawn resistance from some South Shore communities"
Taunton Daily Gazette: "Middleboro defies state, shoots down mandate for multi-family housing"
Boston Globe: "But the trolley is not a subway, Milton argues, citing three
different dictionaries that all describe subways as going underground. (“Dictionaries are useful
aids in determining a word’s ordinary meaning,” the town’s brief says with a hint of snark.)
Not being a subway, it therefore cannot have “subway stations.”
Commonwealth Beacon: Milton legal brief "Says state can only withhold grant funds, can’t compel compliance" "Winthrop and Medway among the latest towns to chafe against the MBTA Communities Act"
Commonwealth Beacon: "When it comes to fighting back against a new state law aimed at getting communities to welcome more housing, Winthrop could be the next Milton."
Lowell Sun: "Billerica SelectBoard wants to wait for Milton case outcome before deciding on MBTA Communities"
Boston Globe: "Dedham did something similar when it passed its plan last year, zoning over
several existing and permitted apartment buildings and Legacy Place, a thriving mixed-usecomplex. One developer who requested anonymity to discuss a town their firm does business
in reviewed Dedham’s zoning said they “would be shocked to see one unit of housing created.”"
The Sun Chronicle: "Seekonk residents reject MBTA zoning proposals"
The Sun Chronicle: "Foxboro town meeting voters reject MBTA zoning law"
MetroWest Daily News: "Hopkinton is latest to reject proposal for multifamily housing near publictransit"
Lowell Sun: "Tewksbury Town Meeting soundly rejects MBTA Communities article"
Marblehead Current: "Voters reject MBTA zoning changes at fiery Town Meeting"
Newburyport News: "Rowley residents reject MBTA zoning at Town Meeting"
Patriot Ledger: "3 more South Shore towns don't pass MBTA zoning rules at May town meeting"
WBZ CBS Boston: "Wakefield joins growing resistance to MBTA Communities Law"
Boston Globe: "Rockport residents file lawsuit, allege plan to comply with MBTA zoning law is unconstitutional"
Boston Globe: "Marshfield Town Meeting members on Monday rejected zoning changes to comply with the MBTA Communities Act."
Milton Times: "Milton volleys back against AG’s MBTA lawsuit"
Boston Globe: "First the state sued Milton to enforce its ambitious MBTA housing law. Now Milton is firing back."
Milton Times: MBTA Case heads to full state Supreme Court date of October 2024.
Select Board hires Kevin P. Martin of Goodwin Procter LLP as special counsel, former US Supreme Court clerk.
Boston Globe: "Milton isn’t a rapid-transit community, no matter how many times the state says it is"
Boston Globe: MA Senate Housing Committee Chair Lydia Edwards “The state has to crush Milton."
Boston Globe: "Resistance has spread well beyond Cape Ann. Town officials in several communities have taken votes in recent weeks to ask the state for exemptions, with the caveat that if they do not receive those exemptions, their next move may very well be outright defiance."
Boston Globe: "Campbell sues Milton over snub of state housing law"
Boston Globe: "After Milton’s MBTA housing defeat, the way forward is with persuasion, not mandates"
MBTA Communities Zoning Act legislative history: Before Baker signed it, the Massachusetts Municipal Association urged the governor to veto the MBTA Communities language, arguing it would "override local-decision making” and penalize communities that fail to meet the mandate.
Governor Healey blocks $140K funding for sea wall grant.
"NO" Wins With 54% Of The Vote!!
Boston Globe: "People showed up to vote because they really thought we could come up with something
better for the town. The idea of big government telling municipal government what
to do, I think that was a big driver to the polls."
Commonwealth Beacon: "Guidelines are silent on affordability. They are also silent on energy-efficiency and climate mitigation, as if the state agencies involveded had turned their backs on other departments working on the state’s response to climate change."